News from Mongolia

Discover with us the news that proves that in the silence of the Mongolian wilderness a lively melody plays...
  • The products of daily use are becoming more and more expensive for the citizens:inside. Russia, the fuel supplier, shows its teeth and the price of gasoline is now around 1 CHF, which is very high for local salaries. In general, the tensions between China and Russia can be felt. Both countries are exerting pressure on Mongolia with political skirmishes. Recently, for example, cross-border logistics from China to Mongolia were temporarily interrupted on flimsy grounds.
  • After the summer months of July and August, during which various country festivities took place, the program participants are once again more active. The time management seminar was able to inspire 25 participants in the areas of self-management, prioritization and planning.
  • René Luchsinger, Country Director Mongolia, attended the meeting of the Entrepreneurs' Association where he was officially introduced and warmly welcomed as the successor of Markus Epper.
  • Willi Helbling, CEO of BPN, visited the local team in September. He met motivated and very committed employees and took part in a teambuilding event together with them.
  • In September, a group of Mongolian entrepreneurs visited various SMEs in Switzerland. The trip was enriching and inspiring and was experienced very positively by all participants. A travel report will follow...

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