Disposable tableware


Saranchimeg D.

Saranchimeg is a qualified electrical engineer. However, after completing her studies, she and her siblings began to provide private trading services between Russia and Mongolia. In 1999, she founded her own company with her siblings. She had always wanted to become a producer herself and establish herself on the market as a family business.

Project ID


Country / City

Mongolia / Ulaanbaatar

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Today, the company produces disposable paper cups and plates. The raw materials for the products are imported from South Korea, which is why the products are known by customers for their quality. The raw material is made of pure wood, has no harmful effects on the human body and is environmentally friendly. The biggest customers are companies, as the paper cups are produced on behalf of white-labeled companies. The finished cups and plates are also sold through larger supermarket chains and retailers.

Around 70% of the total consumption of paper cups and packaging in Mongolia is covered by imports. Saranchimeg's vision is to replace the disposable products imported into Mongolia with its own products, as it has sufficient production capacity. The production capacity of one machine is 3,500 cups per hour. The Saranchimeg company has 4 such machines. This means that it wants to expand its distribution channels and take on more orders from companies such as coffee shop chains. Sarantsetseg is taking part in the BPN program because she lacks business management skills. She wants to bring herself and her business up to a professional level and be supported by BPN.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26