Work clothes


Bayartsetseg B.

Bayartsetseg is a trained accountant. After completing her studies, she went to South Korea, where she worked as a seamstress in a clothing factory for 7 years. After returning to Mongolia in 2012, she founded her own clothing company and started her own business. In order to deepen her experience from Korea and gain even more know-how for her own company, Bayartsetseg also studied fashion design.

Project ID


Country / City

Mongolia / Ulaanbaatar

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Bayartsetseg mainly produces workwear for men and women as well as everyday and business clothing. Its customers include both companies and private individuals. The products are characterized by a good fit and high-quality materials. The Bayartsetseg work jacket in particular is frequently ordered and is very popular with customers, as it is elegant, comfortable and warm and can also be worn outside of work. Bayartsetseg currently employs 5 people and works in rented premises with a production area of 53 square meters. For larger orders, Bayartsetseg employs additional seamstresses on an hourly wage to ensure that it can deliver the goods on time.

Bayartsetseg currently receives its orders mainly through word of mouth. The current capacity is not sufficient to meet demand. In the future, Bayartsetseg would like to expand production and increase the company's capacity. The number of jobs is to be increased and storage space for finished products and sufficient reserves of raw materials are to be made available. Bayartsetseg approached BPN because it wants to develop its business and manage its company professionally.

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We will be happy to help you:

Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26