Donate now

Supporting entrepreneurs with BPN is simple and straightforward.

Select the desired form of support below or contact us.

Wire transfer

One-time or regular donations in any amount. The donation receipt is issued in February of the following year.

Transferring a donation by IBAN / bank transfer (QR code) incurs the lowest transaction costs for us. We recommend this method of transfer so that we can use your donation as efficiently as possible.

Donations in CHF

Transfer donations to the BPN Foundation account:
CH71 0026 0260 3618 5001 L

Direct QR deposit slip scan or download:

Donations (EUR) from Italy

Donations from Italy should be transferred to the following account of the association Xpand Südtirol (will be forwarded directly to BPN):
Recipient: Xpand Südtirol | Mühlgasse 5 | I-39100 Bozen
IBAN: IT98 F081 8358 4400 0030 3214 192 | Swift Code: RZSBIT21327

Andrea Jansen

Media entrepreneur

"Thanks to BPN's training programs, people become entrepreneurs and can take their future into their own hands. For me, this is sustainable and meaningful help for self-help."

Donate directly online


Take on a entrepreneur sponsorship for 250 francs per month

during 2 years and thus support small businesses in developing and emerging countries so that sustainable jobs are created and the economy in the country is promoted.

Tourist tours

Alexis N.
Rwanda / Bigogwe


Erica M.
Rwanda / Kigali

Fruit juices

Lhagvasuren B.
Mongolia / Ulaanbaatar

Founders Circle

As a Founders Circle member, you become a co-thinker, a co-creator in the BPN Foundation. With your donation and your Founder Circle membership, you fill the BPN funding pool. From this pool, all pillars of our program are supported, enabled and sustained.

The commitment in the Founders Circle runs for at least 4 years and differentiates between the support levels White, Green and Blue. Membership can be terminated at any time after this period.

Annual contribution from CHF 10,000
Annual contribution from CHF 25,000
Annual contribution from CHF 50,000


The BPN Foundation is passionate about creating jobs in disadvantaged regions and sustainably improving local living conditions. None of this would be possible without generous donations. This is where you come in. Your decision to give part of your inheritance or a legacy to our foundation can make a real difference. With your generosity, you can ensure that your values and vision live on after your lifetime, bringing positive change to a world that desperately needs support.

You bequeath to BPN a fixed amount determined by you, an accrued value (a specific account with securities or cash) or an object of value (house, land, art object, etc.).

You determine a percentage inheritance share with which BPN is taken into account. This percentage starts after the heirs entitled to a compulsory portion have been taken into account.

If you have no heirs entitled to a compulsory share,
you can appoint BPN as your sole heir.

Honor the memory of your loved one by making a funeral donation to the BPN Foundation. In lieu of flowers, your donation will support SME operations in developing and emerging countries.

Use the following account information (e.g. also for indication on an obituary) for your donation.

Donations in CHF

Transfer donations to the BPN Foundation account:
CH71 0026 0260 3618 5001 L

Direct QR deposit slip scan or download:

Donations (EUR) from Germany

Transfer donations from Germany to the following bank account:
Recipient: BPN Deutschland e.V. | Friedrichsstr. 41 | D-55124 Mainz
IBAN: DE80 5519 0000 0888 5820 12 | BIC: MVBMDE55

Donations (EUR) from Italy

Donations from Italy should be transferred to the following account of the association Xpand Südtirol (will be forwarded directly to BPN):
Recipient: Xpand Südtirol | Mühlgasse 5 | I-39100 Bozen
IBAN: IT98 F081 8358 4400 0030 3214 192 | Swift Code: RZSBIT21327