

Airunbolor A.

Ariunbolor is a trained food technologist and took over the bakery from her mother, who has since retired. The bakery produces the traditional Mongolian pastry "Kheviin Boov". This pastry is used in Mongolia for various holidays, ceremonies, weddings, etc. Ariunbolor and her team still do most of the production by hand, as they make pastries in the traditional way. During the high season (public holidays), the company works in 3 shifts and produces up to 6,500 pastries in one day.

Project ID


Country / City

Mongolia / Ulaanbaatar

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

The bakery currently produces 5 different types of traditional pastries, which differ in ghee content and size. The most important ingredients are ghee and flour from Mongolia. Ghee is a type of clarified butter made from cow's and yak's milk. Ghee is widely used in Mongolian cuisine, especially for traditional dishes and for cooking or frying. The demand for Ariunbolor's products is constantly increasing, as the market greatly appreciates the quality of the products.

Ariunbolor is planning to build a new production building to increase production capacity and meet demand. The larger the company grows, the more it lacks business knowledge and the discipline to implement what it has learned. Ariunbolor would therefore like to participate in the BPN program in order to systematically develop herself and her company.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26