Helder broke all records in 2022

The most active BPN program participant in Nicaragua provides insight into the development of his company.

Helder is not just any dentist. He runs his own dental practice in Managua and was the most active participant in our BPN program in Nicaragua in 2022.

He attended more BPN seminars in one year than anyone before him. In addition, he took part in all the events of the BPN Entrepreneurs' Association. What a commitment!

This commitment pays off - With all the knowledge he has gained, Helder has been able to improve his website, intensively promote existing clients, reactivate former ones and win new ones, among other things. With all his dedication, he has managed to more than double his sales in 2022 compared to the previous year!

We congratulate Helder on his record-breaking year and wish him at least as much success in 2023!

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