

Nathalia P.

Nathalia, now 26, started working as a hairdresser at weekends at the age of 14 after her parents divorced. At school, she took nail care from her teachers for free and trained in nail care, hygiene and cosmetics. When Nathalia was a little older, she worked in beauty salons, which was very stressful. That's why she opened her own nail salon during the unrest in 2018, as she no longer wanted to go to her workplace in a market due to the security situation. She rented a small space and grew steadily, partly because she managed to collaborate with influencers.

Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Managua

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Nathalia continued to develop and moved to a larger room, but had to move back in with her mother during Covid in 2020 due to money problems. She worked there from 6am to 11pm for 6 months to earn money again and be able to stand on her own two feet. During her work, she continued to train, especially in the field of podiatry, as she saw how many people suffered from foot problems. Today, Nathalia runs a larger business that she has renovated, but she wants to move again, this time to a central location where her upmarket clientele will feel comfortable and find parking.

In the future, Nathalia would also like to carry out minor operations and train others in podiatry so that more people in Nicaragua can receive help in this area. Nathalia wants to learn how to keep her finances under control at BPN and says she appreciates the moral support of someone who is not only professional but also genuinely cares about her.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26