

Alfredo P.

Alfredo, 44, studied civil engineering and started his career in a construction company. Although he liked the work, he disliked the uncertainty associated with project-based jobs. His passion was sales, and at Holcim he was able to learn and develop a lot in this area, both through practical experience and further training. After working for various companies, selling tractors among other things, he was contacted by a Brazilian company and after a telephone interview was hired as the person responsible for their elevators in Nicaragua. There he received further training and continued his education - he is currently learning English, for example. In 2020, the company informed him that it would be withdrawing from Nicaragua, but offered him the opportunity to take over the business. With dedication, Alfredo managed to keep almost all customers and win new ones. Today he runs his own company, specializing in the sale, installation and maintenance of elevators.

Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Managua

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

For Alfredo, quality and trust are paramount. Thanks to the BPN business plan, he has been able to structure his ideas and plan more specifically instead of living from hand to mouth. With the financial tool, he can overview his current situation and evaluate statistical data. By creating concrete budgets for the future, he is now more focused. By hiring another sales employee, he has already been able to significantly increase his sales.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26