17 years of BPN in Nicaragua - A reason to celebrate

We recently welcomed more than 100 entrepreneurs to Nicaragua for our BPN anniversary celebration. Since the 15th anniversary could not be celebrated during the pandemic, BPN-Nicaragua celebrated the 17th anniversary in a very special way. In addition to Country Director Adrian Borter, CEO Willi Helbling and Foundation Councilor Benzli Opprecht were on hand to take part in the festivities.

Adrian Borter has been working for BPN since 2008. That is only 2 years after the foundation of BPN in Nicaragua. Thus, he has experienced almost the entire BPN era on the ground. He took the attendees on a short journey into the past and told something about the history of the BPN Foundation and its founder Jürg Opprecht at the opening. Successes were celebrated, but also the less dazzling experiences were considered in retrospect.

Current and former BPN employees took the stage and those present listened attentively to their stories. Many emotions and even a tear or two of joy were expressed at this unique event. But also the entrepreneurs were in the spotlight and shared their experiences and learning contents with everyone. Even an entrepreneur, who now lives in Costa Rica, took part in the celebration via live link and revealed how she was able to master the challenges of her business by never losing sight of her own vision. During the panel discussion of various entrepreneurs, the audience also heard impressive stories of their everyday business life and learned how helpful a concrete vision can be in the further development of one's own company. Not losing focus and the support of BPN were even mentioned as keys to success.

During a culinary break, the participants of the anniversary celebration recharged their batteries for the group work in the second part of the program. Each table discussed the questions "What did I learn at BPN?" and "What helped me to master challenges? The presentation of the results by the entrepreneurs was the best gift of the day for the BPN team!

Afterwards, the remaining time was used for another panel discussion with BPN participants on the topic of "vision". One entrepreneur revealed that at one of her first BPN seminars she had tried to visualize her vision. During a seminar exercise, she closed her eyes and saw her future in front of her: the small, cramped space that had previously provided her with room to produce business uniforms and embroidery was to be transformed into a two-story production facility with a professional infrastructure. Today, about 7 years later, her vision has come true. Accordingly, she is incredibly proud of what she has achieved so far and is convinced that the image of her dream infrastructure in her mind's eye helped her to realize it. CEO Willi Helbling closed the round with a touching speech on the subject of "vision".

Following the official program, the meeting was used for a lively exchange between the entrepreneurs. The opportunity to exchange ideas among like-minded people and to benefit from their experiences met with great interest.

After the celebration, Adrian Borter noted with a beaming smile that the event was a complete success and had been very motivating and inspiring for him as well as for the local team. The BPN team Nicaragua is proud of what has been achieved and is pleased that despite various and ever new challenges (economic crises, incidents in 2018, pandemic, etc.) an impact takes place - BPN works!

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