Your entrepreneur sponsorship


Marcia H.

Marcia studied chemical engineering and worked at Nestlé for 10 years. There she acquired extensive knowledge in the areas of production, continuous improvement and quality control. At Coca-Cola, she acquired the know-how of flavor creation. Over time, the desire to produce beverages on her own grew, so in 2021 she began producing filtered water and isotonic beverages on a part-time basis. From 2022, she focused fully on her business and soon hired additional staff. She successfully started her own business offering bottled drinking water.

Despite her international experience, Marcia emphasizes how working with the BPN Foundation has already helped her make complex issues simple and workable. The clear financial overview showed her how much she needed to sell to break even. The coaching made her realize that while she wants to provide access to clean water for all people in Nicaragua, she first needs to be profitable.

With energy and passion, Marcia strives for growth in quantity and variety of flavors. Currently, she is focusing on large containers for offices to be present in Managua, Nagarote and later in cities such as Leon and Chinandega. This will increase sales and allow for further investment. Marcia also hopes to acquire an adjacent property to have enough space for expansion.

Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Managua

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years



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On our website you will find an overview of the currently available corporate sponsorships


Sovetbek K.
Kyrgyzstan / Karakol

Furniture workshop

Emmanuel U.
Rwanda / Kigali

Marketing agency

Samuel T.
Nicaragua / Managua

25 years BPN!

Our journey began in Kyrgyzstan in 1999 with the aim of promoting entrepreneurial thinking and action.