Marketing agency


Samuel T.

Samuel graduated with a degree in computer science, but worked in sales after graduation. At the same time, he continued his education in the field of design. At the request of a friend, he took over the management of his friend's Facebook page. With the help of online courses, Samuel acquired the necessary knowledge and increased the number of his followers to over 30,000. He then successfully offered his service to other friends and eventually to a broad audience. Today, he markets his service with great passion and runs his own small marketing agency.

Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Managua

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Samuel offers a wide range of digital marketing services, including professional audio and video content creation. However, Samuel realized he needed help running his business and turned to the BPN Foundation. In the process of creating the business plan and financial spreadsheet, it was like "hitting the wall" for Samuel when he realized what aspects he had not implemented or had not implemented correctly. This helped him understand why his growth was not yielding the desired results. With the help of the financial tool, he now has a better handle on his financial matters.

Samuel wants to continue to grow in the field of digital marketing, with a special focus on the production of audiovisual products. He also plans to improve the infrastructure. His vision is to offer his services throughout Central America.

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Are there still questions or uncertainties?
We will be happy to help you:

Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26