Tourist tours


Alexis N.

Alexis has a bachelor's degree in banking. After graduation, he received attractive job offers in the banking sector, but his passion for his village was stronger than any offers. He is determined to change the perception of Bigogwe, a beautiful rural village in Rwanda with untapped tourism potential. He began his entrepreneurial journey to publicize the charm and cultural richness of Bigogwe.

Project ID


Country / City

Rwanda / Bigogwe

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching CHF 250 per month for two years

Project description

In 2021, Alexis founded his company with the aim of counteracting the negative reputation of his village, Bigogwe, which had been created by the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda. He began offering a range of tourist tours, including experiential days with cows, traditional games, hikes and camping. By highlighting the importance of cattle to Rwandan culture, he aims to provide tourists with an authentic experience and promote cultural exchange. Alexis solicits customers for his tours through social media (especially Twitter), partnerships with local travel agencies, and online bookings through his website.

His vision is to position Bigogwe as one of the top 5 destinations in Rwanda, attracting both national and international visitors. Alexis firmly believes that culture and natural beauty are universal tourism attractions. Alexis' company is primarily self-funded and has recently benefited from a government grant for expansion. Over the next 5 years, Alexis hopes to offer a variety of activities and expand his current offerings to include rock climbing, for example.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26