

Viateur M.

Viateur is a visionary entrepreneur with a strong commitment to improving the community, protecting the environment and making a sustainable impact. After working in the tourism sector for several years, Viateur recognized the untapped potential of agriculture. His entrepreneurial journey is the result of his deep desire to revitalize his grandfather's land while helping to meet the increasing demand for imported Rwandan agricultural products. After an unsuccessful attempt to grow coffee, Viateur turned to growing macadamia nuts.

His farm started with 1,000 macadamia nut trees and is now a harmonious mix of macadamia nut trees, passion fruit, habanero peppers and a lively herd of cattle that provides organic fertilizer for the farm.

Project ID


Country / City

Rwanda / Karongi

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

The farm provides decent employment to the local community, especially vulnerable men and women and youth from rehabilitation centers. It offers them the opportunity to develop their agricultural and entrepreneurial skills to promote socio-economic growth and social cohesion. Viateur's vision is to become a renowned macadamia farm and the leading agrotourism company in Rwanda.

Viateur has recognized the potential of the ever-growing international market for macadamia nuts and the local demand for passion fruit and peppers and plans to open a showroom for the farm's products. At BPN, he is looking forward to acquiring basic business skills and further improving his positioning.

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We will be happy to help you:

Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26