Textile printing


Rafael V.

To become a teacher, Rafael, now 30, dropped out of his telecommunications studies. He was fascinated by teaching, so he founded a Saturday school with an aunt. Due to a conflict, they parted ways, after which he joined his mother's textile business in 2018. There, he created enormous demand with creative designs and an effective online presence. The orders piled up so much that he finally bought his own machines and became self-employed.



Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Managua

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

In his own company, he began to offer not only textile design, but also textile printing using the sublimation process. In this production method, ink is printed on paper, which is then placed on the fabric and incorporated into the fabric with hot irons. Unfortunately, his 3 biggest customers jumped ship and started their own production. This forced Rafael to develop a new sales model. He now offers a kind of club membership for small businesses to retain customers and provide them with support that they would otherwise not be able to afford or have the necessary knowledge. Rafael develops an attractive selection of garments and provides a digital catalogue. A club membership is required to order.

Rafael realized that he needed support with business organization, financial control, and strategic direction. That's why he turned to the BPN Foundation. Rafael reports that his mindset has already changed since working with BPN. With clear goals in mind, it will be easier for him to achieve them. For the future, he plans to make textile production more attractive for larger shops and schools with creative complete solutions and larger sublimation formats.

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Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26