

Erick S.

Erick studied law and deepened his knowledge of business administration. He began his professional career at an NGO, for which he worked abroad for several years. When the NGO's project came to an end in 2016, Erick returned to Nicaragua. At this time, his mother offered him the opportunity to take over her business selling traditional baked goods. Erick accepted the challenge and became an independent entrepreneur. He learned all the necessary processes and began to reorganize the bakery. Step by step, he reorganized the business according to his own ideas.

Project ID


Country / City

Nicaragua / Leon

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Today, Erick sells a variety of baked goods, mainly to resellers at the market, via delivery services and to direct customers in his bakery. His range includes traditional Nicaraguan baked goods, which are made from corn flour instead of wheat flour and are very sweet. Erick has also expanded his business to include a small restaurant where customers can enjoy his freshly baked delicacies with coffee or cocoa. Erick's wife manages the sales in the store and together they plan to sell their products in Managua and northern Nicaragua in the future.

In order to realize his vision, Erick sought support and turned to the BPN Foundation. Erick emphasizes that he has already learned a lot, especially in the financial sector, and is now working on defining a clear customer segment.

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We will be happy to help you:

Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26
