Osh fundraising campaign

Promote entrepreneurship in Osh - your donation works!

Help shape the future in Osh

We need your help to expand our activities in Osh. Enable us to support more entrepreneurs through the BPN training program.

Baker Meerim tells her success story in the short video - which came about with the support of BPN.

History BPN Osh site

Opening and expansion of Osh site

Started with 1 employee in 2004 and built up a team of 4 people by 2008.

2004 - 2008

Challenging times

In 2010, a conflict escalated, destroying property and claiming lives. BPN helped those affected and continued its work on the ground.



The economic changes led to the loss of qualified employees. From 2018 to 2021, BPN did not find any new entrepreneurs for the program.

2018 - 2021

Turning point

The recruitment of program participants was successfully revived. Thanks to committed employees new companies were accepted into the BPN program in Osh!

2022 - 2023


We pursue the following objectives:

  • Program participation for entrepreneurs from remote regions
  • BPN offers in Kyrgyz language
  • Strengthening the team
  • New office space: Our office is currently located in a former hotel room.
  • Acquisition of additional program participants in Osh
2024 - ff

In recent years, the population of Osh has been confronted with challenges such as civil war, emigration of skilled workers and economic crises. Against all odds, BPN has been one of the few non-profit organizations there to continuously support local small businesses.

Now is the time to expand our presence in Osh so that more successful small businesses can grow. Business training, coaching and networking help to create sustainable jobs that secure long-term livelihoods and feed entire families.

Your donation makes a difference! For example, your donation supports...

New office space for BPN in Osh

Our office is currently located in a former hotel room, which makes it difficult to work professionally. We are therefore looking for new premises.

  • Purchase of office furniture such as office chairs, printers, furnishing of a seminar room with screen, loudspeakers, projector, chairs, etc.
  • Contribution to higher rental costs

Program participation for entrepreneurs from remote regions

Due to its five times the size of Switzerland, Kyrgyzstan has a population of 7 million and therefore large regional distances:

  • Impulse days in major cities in southern Kyrgyzstan for the next 4 years
  • Travel and accommodation costs for entrepreneurs from distant regions who cannot bear these themselves

BPN offers in Kyrgyz language

Kyrgyzstan is increasingly moving away from Russian and promoting the Kyrgyz language. Until now, BPN training materials have only been available in Russian.

  • Translation of the extensive training documents into Kyrgyz
  • Interpreter during the training sequences for the next 4 years

Our employees:inside 2024

Erlan Nasiev: Head of the BPN program Osh
Bekizhan Abdulzhanov: Training manager

Support our initiative in Osh! 

Whether generous or modest, every donation is valuable for intensifying support for entrepreneurs in this key region and achieving effective long-term change.

Bekizhan Abdulzhanov & Erlan Nasiev
Online donation form for Osh (click to open)

Wire transfer

One-time or regular donations in any amount. The donation receipt is issued in February of the following year.

Transferring a donation by IBAN / bank transfer (QR code) incurs the lowest transaction costs for us. We recommend this method of transfer so that we can use your donation as efficiently as possible.

Donations in CHF

Transfer donations to the BPN Foundation account:
CH71 0026 0260 3618 5001 L

Direct QR deposit slip scan or download:

Donations (EUR) from Italy

Donations from Italy should be transferred to the following account of the association Xpand Südtirol (will be forwarded directly to BPN):
Recipient: Xpand Südtirol | Mühlgasse 5 | I-39100 Bozen
IBAN: IT98 F081 8358 4400 0030 3214 192 | Swift Code: RZSBIT21327

Andrea Jansen

Media entrepreneur

"Thanks to BPN's training programs, people become entrepreneurs and can take their future into their own hands. For me, this is sustainable and meaningful help for self-help."

Donate directly online


Success stories

Statements by some BPN entrepreneurs in Osh

Meerim K.


"My passion for bakery and pastry was born during the pandemic. BPN's support came at a time when I recognized my main problem: Lack of knowledge. Through training, individual advice and a supportive network, I acquired the knowledge I needed. BPN enabled me to pursue my dreams and realize my business ideas."

Mirzokhid R.


"Thanks to BPN's seminars, I developed from a normal employee into a private entrepreneur. BPN's financial and educational support not only helped me to start my business successfully, but also gave me crucial insights into choosing the right employees and allocating finances. Looking back, I would have wasted time, money and effort without BPN's educational programs. Their support has been invaluable to my success."

Gulnaz Z.

Yoga studio

"As an entrepreneur, BPN has been instrumental in helping me grow and automate my business. Their training and advice has helped me to develop a brand and build franchises. BPN's support enabled me to realize my vision. Their expertise in business development and automation has been essential to my success."

Donate for Osh

Your support is needed now more than ever. With our ambitious goals for 2024 and the following years, we are doing everything we can to support as many entrepreneurs as possible in Osh.