Spa facility


Marie Louise U.

After graduating from school, Marie Louise traveled to Kenya to complete a specialized course in spa services. After returning to Rwanda, she gained valuable work experience in various spas, which gave her the impetus to start her own business. In 2016, she ventured into self-employment and opened her own spa. Despite great challenges, especially family ones, which led to the temporary closure of the business, she did not get discouraged. She took the opportunity to gain further practical experience and market knowledge in a spa in Kigali. At the end of 2021, she made the courageous decision to reopen her spa, which is now located in a hotel.

Project ID


Country / City

Rwanda / Kigali

Employees at start


Employees potential


Entrepreneur Sponsorship

Training and coaching monthly CHF 250 over 2 years

Project description

Marie Louise plays a central role in the qualification of her team and ensures a consistently high quality of service. Currently, her spa is located in a rented space with 4 rooms, equipped with the latest technology and representing the high quality level of the company.

Marie Louise has ambitious goals for the future of her company. She attaches great importance to sustainability and excellence. An integral part of her future plans is to acquire her own building in order to establish a spa there that will set new standards in the industry. To achieve this vision, Marie Louise understands the importance of the support and growth opportunities she receives through the BPN program. She is determined to take her business to a new level and make a significant impact on the wellness industry.

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We will be happy to help you:

Caroline Flück

Fundraising & Event Manager
+41 31 305 25 26